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Team JLX Breakthrough Blueprint

The road to a leaner, stronger and more defined physique...

Here's what you need to know 👇

Join Team JLX, Completely Free 👀

Free programmes and resources are usually pretty... well, pretty 💩

Mostly because they're repurposed from some old resources that aren't used anymore... there's a reason for that 👀

However, this isn't one of those.


I've created this to get you results and show you what we could be capable of together.

In fact...

To be completely honest, my original idea was to create a low-cost offer with this...

That's how confident I am that this will help you because it wasn't supposed to be free!

Here's what's included:

➖ Four weeks of 3 x Full Body Training designed to target your glutes, shoulders and back for the optimal hourglass training split.

➖ Simple, no BS nutritional guidelines to calculate your maintenance calories and macros for maximal training output.

➖ The programme is an exact replica of how I would programme for one of my Team - I've held nothing back.

➖ I've set the reps, sets and rest times for you, and provided education on how to implement RIR for maximal progress.

➖ If you follow the programme, dedicate yourself to your sessions and are consistent with your nutrition, you're going to make fantastic progress - that's an understatement.


To join Team JLX for free and start seeing the progress you deserve, sign up below and let's get started. 

Join The Team with Your Free Plan, Now!

We respect your time, and your email address and will only send you things that we think will benefit you and support you with great-quality information along the way!

The only thing that isn't free is results like these...

- you'll need to work hard for those!

Click the button below to find out how we can help you finally get the results you deserve from your hard work...

Book your complimentary 45-minute consultation call today.

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